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Gary Hatt
August 8, 2022

Want To Be Famous? Get Your Bus Conversion Recognized!

Just imagine this. You and your bus conversion are on the cover of Bus Conversion Magazine for everyone to see. Recognition for your unique conversion and your highly technical skills. People will point, people will stare, and people will say, “WOW! We saw your bus on the cover of Bus Conversion Magazine.

How would you like this to happen to you? Well, now it can. Just write an article about your conversion and send it to us. Add some highlights and some background information, a list of specifications, and several photos. Before and after photos are always nice. Your coach could be selected as the conversion of the month and displayed on the cover.  If you have a truck conversion, van conversion, or any unique vehicle conversion, we would be interested in that as well.  We love conversions of all types. 

Below is a list of information you may want to include. The more information you provide, the more our readers will enjoy your story. Send it to us with any photos (preferably high resolution) you may have of the interior of the bus as well as the exterior. 

Your bus will be featured on the cover of an upcoming issue of Bus Conversion Magazine, the magazine bus converters everywhere rave about. Not only will you gain worldwide recognition, but we’ll also extend your Subscription for five full years. 

So, if you think your bus has what it takes, Just Do It! Take a couple of minutes and send us an email with your photos attached. You can also upload them to Dropbox. Now hold your breath, because this is it, your big chance for fame! If we use your article, you and your bus will be known the world over. 

Things people want to know: 

How often do you use your bus? What do you primarily use it for? What year, make, and model is it? Why did you choose this make and model? What year was it converted? Who did the conversion; location and name of the shop? How long did it take? Are you the first owner? Is there an interesting history or background on the bus? What made you decide on a bus conversion over a conventional RV? 

Technical Description: Engine; transmission, number of speeds. Generator; type/make/size. Inverter; type/size. Water Tanks; type/size of tanks: fresh, gray, black. Water Heater: Type/size. Fuel tank capacity. MPG. Propane; the size of the tank(s), fixed or removable. Type of plumbing and electrical systems. Exterior Description: Paint color/design, mural-who did it, wheels and tires, raised roof, front and/or rear caps. Solar, how much, and what manufacturer. 

Interior Description: Wallcovering, ceiling, countertops, window coverings, floor, colors, lighting. Kitchen; Type of refrigerator- 1/2/3-way, stove and/or oven, ice maker, special features. Bedroom: Location/size of the bed(s), lighting, special features. Bathroom: Side or center aisle, hardware, special features. Living room: entertainment center, seats, tables, and special features. Other: Washer & dryer, security system, back-up camera, driver’s seat, passenger seats, insulation, air conditioning, heating, skylights/roof vents. 

What do you love best about your conversion? What would you do differently the next time? Do you have any interesting stories, travel, or otherwise? Do you belong to any bus groups? Have you been to any interesting rallies? Other interesting information about you or your bus or your bus adventures?  Do you have any social media accounts you would like to mention?

Also, if you have a non-feature article about your bus that tells a story about something unique you did when you converted your bus, something unusual you do for maintenance, or an interesting trip you took in your bus, bus-friendly RV parks you have stayed in, then send us a shorter article and we will gladly run it.  If you broke down on the road and have a Road Fix story, people always enjoy how to get a bus back on the road again.  Anything bus-related is interesting to our readers and can vary in length from 25 words to 4,000 words

Everyone in the bus conversion community will enjoy learning about your bus and how well you like it and everyone is always looking for more ideas on how to convert or modify their bus.

If you are interested, contact us and we will send you some information to get you started.  Email your information to Sandra@BusConversionMagazine.com

Article written by Gary Hatt

Since July 2012, Gary Hatt has been the Publisher of BCM. Gary does most of his own work on his bus with the help of mechanic friends. He has owned tents, truck campers, travel trailers, and stick-n-staple motor-homes until he bought his first bus in 1997 which was a 1972 MCI MC-7 Combo. When he had a chance to buy a 1983 MCI MC-9 Log Cabin bus with larger windows he jumped at the chance. On Thanksgiving of 2014, Gary bought a 1967 Model 08 Eagle and has since been living and traveling full time in that.

You may reach Gary Hatt at

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