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Brooke Miller

Brooke and Kyle Miller have been together for nine years and married for six of those years. They are the proud parents of two daughters. 

Before bus life, Brooke was a housewife and Kyle worked for a large corporation for many years. They have always had a deep love for traveling and the nomadic living lifestyle.

After selling their home and all their belongings they bought a partially converted school bus to renovate it so they could live full-time on the road while traveling the United States. 

One day they plan to go abroad with their two children. While they’re still working out some quirks of a mobile income, they both have goals to do freelance work.  Brooke is working on working in writing and editing. Kyle is looking to work in art and graphic design. 

Their children like mom and dad, both love adventure and seeing new places constantly. This family of four is living life freer than ever while living with less. Their top priority in life is spending as much time together as a family as possible and experiencing all they can. 

You can follow their journey on Instagram and TikTok, or you can visit their website. 

You can also contact them via e-mail BeauTheSkoolie@gmail.com 

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