Colin is 52 and a chiropractor and Marni is 49 and works in Early Childhood Education and is an Infant Development Consultant. They met in December 2018, and “Mo” was already sitting in the yard waiting to be converted. Mo was a 2008 GMC Bluebird handy-dart bus and was their first conversion, then they moved on to a 1990 GMC 3500 Vandura for their kids to use, and the “Grande Finale” their conversion of “The Kraken”.
The process of all the conversions brought about a lot of thought, planning, creativity, and HOURS of blood sweat, and tears. All three conversions required them to work long hours together (after work, before work, and during lunch hours). Every moment was treasured and with each build, they learned what worked and what needed a bit of tweaking. It was a steep learning curve, which required a lot of patience.
They love following like-minded people on social media and if you see “The Kraken” on the road, be sure to give them a honk and a wave hello!
You can follow
Colin and Marni on
Instagram @KruzinInTheKraken
Qualify for a $200 Commission and a FREE 5-Year Membership or extension.
If you are working with any conversion parts or service companies, send us their information to support the only website dedicated to the nomadic conversion lifestyle.
We will contact them and if they advertise with us for at least six months, you will receive a free 5-year Membership and a $200 commission after they pay their first invoice.
Email their contact information to
We are seeking a self-starter, energetic, honest person, with a pleasant phone voice to seek out new sales leads and follow up on current sales leads and then follow through and close deals.
This is a work-from-home/bus position and we are looking for someone who has some bus and/or bus conversion knowledge. This is a chance to earn money to either buy your own bus or money to buy materials to build your bus or tiny home, or to just earn some extra money. An interest in new and vintage buses and bus conversions is a plus.
All you need is a phone, a computer, a good internet connection, a quiet environment, and have a good working knowledge of MS products including, Word and Excel. You can work your own hours as many hours per week as you wish. The harder you work, the more you can earn. The sky is the limit.
You will be selling Advertising for up to three bus magazines
BCM, National Bus Trader Magazine, National Bus Tours Magazine, and Vintage Motorcoach Magazine
You can make one sale and potentially collect up to four commissions.
Contact Gary for more information a or call the office to speak to him in person at (714) 614-0373.