At the rear of the bus I have 2 valves that turn off air to the tag axle. I've heard that their main purpose is to release the pressure of the tags off the road so that all pressure is transferred to the main drive axle. This would give more traction for snow, etc.
That being said, last year when I entered my bus in the local Christmas lighted parade, it snowed like crazy that day. We went anyway, and besides, our city is relatively flat. However, when we returned, I was barely able to get the bus back into its parking space in the driveway.
Well, now it snowed for the first time this year and it's a bit slippery outside. Apparently, it's supposed to improve by time of the parade (I'm entering it again this year).
My question is, if I turn off the valves to the tags so that I get better traction to the drives, does that also keep the tag axle brakes from engaging? If not, the brakes will lock up the tags every time I apply them, since they wouldn't have any downward pressure on the road. Any thoughts on this?