BCM reduced the price of a bus for sale on our website. This alert is for a 1978 MCI MC-8 with a Detroit Diesel Engine.
To view this bus click on the link below:
https://www.busconversionmagazine.com/bus_classifieds/1978-mci-mc-8-conversion/ To view other buses or bus-related items for sale, click here...
https://www.busconversionmagazine.com/bcmclassifieds/If you have a bus to sell, we can help you sell it by listing it on our website for just $99.00/year.
To list your bus for sale simply click on this link and fill out the online form:
https://www.busconversionmagazine.com/bcmclassifieds/#, email Sandra@BusConversionMagazine.com with your classified info, or call the office at (657) 221-0432.
Please note: We post these notes as a service to our readers and paid advertisers that support this Forum which is solely supported by subscriptions and advertisers.
This Forum does not allow individual posting of buses for sale.